Real Clout – an Introduction for Newcomers to the Public Policy Arena
I don’t think many people use power points any more unless they are briefing the President, but many folk learning the basic principles of advocacy have learned something from this one. Try it. you can find other helpful tools here let us know how you like it. This power point was developed from the book...

Relationships Matter
When two hill town girls from Western Massachusetts get together in Florida – they have fun. Jane Swift and I go way back to our roots in Western Mass, to small town politics, to shared values and commitment to social, racial and economic justice as we pursued our separate careers in the public policy arena...

Speak Up to Protect Children Experiencing Homelessness: Participate in Public Hearings in Springfield and Boston!
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has adopted “emergency” regulations barring most homeless families with children from emergency shelter unless they first sleep in a place “not meant for human habitation.” Families are being left with no safe place to stay as a result of this restrictive policy. AcrossMassachusetts, families are sleeping in...

Organizing for Change – Reorganizing Your Internal Resources
I bet you can think of 10 MORE reasons why your organization might not want to spend the time and energy to reorganize you existing resources in order plan and implement a campaign to promote positive policy change in your town, in your county or in your state. I can hear the groans from here–...

Summer Leadership Program at Catholic Charities St Peter’s Teen Center
These great kids not only made it to an 8:30 am Leadership Program at Catholic Charities St Peter’s Teen Center in Dorchester every morning, but they stayed the whole 6 weeks and paid attention! They were representing other Counselors in Training and Peer Leaders from the St Peter’s Teen Center who had participated in two...

New Videos from Freedom House + past Highlights
Parents on the March: Organizing for Quality Education in Boston Public Schools, June 2012 Gail Snowden, from Freedom House, hosted the recent session on organizing for quality education in Boston and introduces two of Boston’s greatest education advocates and organizers Rep. Byron Rushing and Sarah-Ann Shaw. Myriam Ortiz from...

Our video collection
If you missed any of our sessions this year, check this link to all the Academy Videos, including the Frances Fox Piven and the Mel King sessions, and the latest Parents on the March session at the Freedom House. Or you can browse and watch some of the highlighted videos here. Many people have told us...

From Freedom House to Present Day, Parents on the March: June 19
The Academy’s Organizing for Change series continues in June with a powerful presentation that will inspire and support today’s parents and organizers who are standing up for quality education in Boston. Join some of the local leaders who worked with Otto and Muriel Snowden, founders of the Freedom House in the 50’s and 60’s, and parents who are...

Talking the Talk with Barney Frank: June 12!
Don’t miss what is certain to be a lively presentation about values-based messaging around delicate issues. Congressman Barney Frank will lead the discussion with his experience then and now talking about GLBT issues. From chicken little to the little train that could: Understanding how to develop a sympathetic public persona for your issue using community values...

Lew Finfer in a 3 minute Video on Leadership for new and experienced organizers.
Here is Lew Finfer in a very brief, and very powerful 3 minute presentation on what it means to be a leader. I have shown this to community activists to kick off a discussion about how they might strengthen their own leadership skills. Check it out here.