“Rejoice, Massachusetts taxpayers. You’ll have a bit more money in your paychecks come January, and, if state assumptions are correct, another long-awaited reprieve — with potentially bigger budget ramifications — could follow…….. Chip Faulkner, associate director of Citizens for Limited Taxation, which pushed the ballot question. “Either you win or you lose. But this one has been in limbo. All I can say is: Hallelujah!”

The state, meanwhile, is projecting to lose $84 million in revenue for the second half of the fiscal year because of the dip, and another $175 million in the full fiscal year in 2020.”

Many of us skip reading the on line comments but this is a good one.

“Wonderful. I save $39 a year, and the state loses $250M to $300M a year. Chip Faulkner from CLT, what a big win for you! We cut that amount of money so I can buy a couple of pizzas a year, while the T is a mess, the roads and bridges need a lot of work, and the urban schools are decaying. It’s crazy how these anti-tax people think.”
