The mission of the Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy (The Academy) is to help leaders and organizations effectively and confidently participate in public life and influence the advancement of social, economic and racial justice.
The Videos: History and Legacy of Welfare Rights with Frances Fox Piven

The Videos: History and Legacy of Welfare Rights with Frances Fox Piven

Here is Frances Fox Piven telling us all the Occupy movement has set the stage for a resurgence of organizing the poor.  We hope this very special session in the Organizing to Change series gave new organizers and activists in the Boston area a deeper history of organizing in Boston and some inspiration.  Here are...
Leadership Series: Fridays in March

Leadership Series: Fridays in March

WOULD YOU LIKE TO STEP FORWARD? BECOME A LEADER IN THESE HARD ECONOMIC TIMES! Sign up today for the Academy’s March Leadership Program. Build a successful campaign from the ground up for your issue, even now, during the current fiscal crisis. Walk step by step through campaign planning and practice with Massachusetts advocacy and organizing...

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