The mission of the Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy (The Academy) is to help leaders and organizations effectively and confidently participate in public life and influence the advancement of social, economic and racial justice.
Posts tagged "Messaging"
The most fun message training ever.

The most fun message training ever.

What kind of story do you tell?  So far, the most “fun” on-site coaching event is a very lively, interactive message development session which  helps volunteer activists and professional advocates learn how to turn a Chicken Little story that people ignore, into a Little Train that Could story, that makes people want to get on the train and...
It Happened Last Night --- Value Based Messaging for the GLBT Community - Organizing for Change

It Happened Last Night — Value Based Messaging for the GLBT Community – Organizing for Change

It happened last night. But Barney had a severe case of laryngitis, and could barely speak — imagine– and so he stayed home and drank hot lemon tea. BUT the panelist moved ahead and led a series of smart and savvy discussions about the development of strategic messages and recruitment of strategic messengers to advance full...

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