Representative Liz Malia got arrested yesterday.
Representative Liz Malia got arrested in an Eviction Blockage organized by City Life Vida Unida, similar to actions all over the state and the country that aim to keep homeowners in their homes, and force mediation. Here’s more pictures in a post on Blue Mass Group by Amberpaw. and I can’t wait to see her...

What House Leadership is Doing on April Vacation Week & CW Mag’s Study
They are poring over the amendments to the House Ways and Means Budget that’s what they’re doing. Thanks to the Globe for this nice picture of Speaker Bob DeLeo and Chairman of HW&M Brian Dempsey doing the poring. A very well researched article in Commonwealth Magazine documents the so called “drop off ” in legislative...

Lessons from Macedonia
I never would have noticed this article on the inside Pages of the New York Times “Before Macedonia”, meaning before my trip to Macedonia last month, WASHINGTON — Egypt’s military rulers privately signaled a retreat on Friday in a crackdown on organizations that promote democracy and human rights, senior American officials said, even as the authorities in Cairo...