And the Mass Home Care Association knows how to do it through their AT HOME Newsletter emailed to almost everyone in the Commonwealth it seems.
We all get an E Mail asking us to download AT HOME announcing:
The following 20 people, in order of appearance, are in this June, 2012 AT HOME: Therese Murray, Bruce Tarr, Richard Ross, Brian Joyce, Steve Walsh, Linda George, Pat Jehen, Steve Brewer, Steve Grossman, Cheryl Cannon, Katherine Clark, Harry Reid, Cindy Mann, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Claypool, Bruce Darling, Patrick Deval, Tim Murray, Ai-Jen Poo, Mike Dukakis.
At Home features straightforward stories, with just enough detail reporting on the following
Long Term Supports Coordinators Make It Into the Senate Health Reform Bill
Senate Completes Work On Its Version of Health Reform Bill
Protective Services Budget Amendment OK’d, home care not.
and more………………
Find the whole newsletter here. Do read the whole thing. It is really terrific.
And you will find the whole fact filled in plain English Mass Home Care Association website here. Just imagine all those seniors on their computers — and yes they are on computers — advocating from their homes.