Best Chant to be seen in a video embedded in this article  by State House News Service  was “Today we March Tomorrow We Vote!”  While most of the media led their stories with the protest around rising fares and reduced services at the MBTA,  the State House News gave a few more details including the Senior’s call for additional revenues. 

“Protesters were equipped with a list of budget priorities assembled by the council. The priorities include investing in public transportation and blocking planned service reductions, ending the waiting list for home care services, restoring a program intended to help seniors pay for prescription drugs, and raising revenues and taxes.

“Massachusetts is facing a nearly $1.5 billion budget deficit yet the services and programs that help keep our communities strong are needed now more than ever,” according to the council. “We must take a balanced approach to the fiscal crisis and raise additional revenue so that we can maintain the services we need and value. We support tax reforms that will raise substantial new revenue while holding down increases for low and middle income families. 

And guess what………they got many of their line items restored, including the nutrition program, enhanced home care and resources for the Councils on Aging.  On to the Senate!!